• Journal articles {{ counts['article-journal'] | number}}
  • Book chapters {{ counts['chapter'] | number}}
  • Books {{ counts['book'] | number}}
  • Studies {{ counts['study'] | number}}
  • Other texts {{ remainder() | number}}
Oh Snap! Something went terribly wrong.

No results match your query

Author Title Year Published in


Published in
Number of pages
{{publication.details.original.title}} ({{publication.details.original.year}})





{{publication.details.abstract[language] || publication.details.abstract[publication.details.locale]}}





How it’s done!


PCE Literature contains more than 11,000 ind­ividual ref­erences. By enter­ing a search query or by select­ing search filt­ers you can nar­row down the number of ref­erences accordingly. When enter­ing search queries, you can make use of a special syntax in order to ex­plicitly search only in specific fields of each pub­lication. For example, whilst the search query "rogers" returns every record that con­tains the word, you can search for records that match the word only as an author with the query "author:rogers"; similarly, "editor:rogers" returns matches in the editor field; the query "year:2001" returns articles published in 2001 and "year:[1950 TO 1959]" only those pub­lished in the 1950s.


On PCE Literature, you can evaluate your search results statistically. For each search result the distribution of references by publication type will be displayed by default. Furthermore, if you are interested in more detailed statistics, click on the colored graph representing the individual publication types. This will open a graph con­tain­ing more adv­anced stat­istics, such a as the dist­ribution of your search result by year.


While browsing records in the bib­liography you can quickly access similar or rel­ated entries. To do that, simply click on author or editor names to find further ref­erences for the sel­ected person or, alt­ernatively, click on the related texts or trans­lations. Thanks to its in­ternal cite processor PCE Literature can gen­erate citation ref­erence strings in var­ious styles on the fly. By default, you can choose between APA, Chicago Manual of Style, and MLA citation styles. Simply pick the style which best suits your require­ments from the navi­gation bar at the top of the page; when you browse or export items of the bib­lio­graphy, all ref­erences will be formatted according to the style you have cur­rently selected.

Copy as BibTeX

Copy & Paste

PCE Literature is com­patible with most soft­ware pack­ages for bib­lio­graphy manage­ment. When you find a record you would like to cite in you re­search or that you want to save for further ref­erence you can save the record in the BibTeX format or copy it to your com­puter's clip­board: this allows you to quickly add in­dividual records to your own bib­lio­graphy. In­stead of copy­ing in­dividual records, you can also ex­port your cur­rent search results. There are a number of ex­port formats avail­able at the bottom of the page: simply click on the one that works best for you. If you are not sure which format to choose, simply select HTML – this will render the cur­rent results in your browser and allows you to copy and paste the entire bib­lio­graphy into your own documents.

About the project

PCE Literature was created to provide a modern means of access to the academic literature of Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy.


The project PCE Literature was created by Sektion Forum APG, GwG and ÖGWG, in order to provide a modern means of access to the academic literature of Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy.

It provides a database aimed specifically at researchers, students, and psycho­therapists, but is equally available to a wider public.


The data used by PCE Literature stem mainly from the biblio­graphies of the World Association for Person-Centered & Experiential Psycho­therapy & Counseling (WAPCEPC). These data were scanned with AnyStyle.io using machine-learning algo­rithms and converted to a structured data format consisting of the constituent parts of each reference (author, title, date of pub­lication etc.). The new format can be easily indexed and searched by biblio­graphic soft­ware and on this website. Further­more, search results can be auto­matically con­verted to useful data formats (e.g., BibTeX, Open Document Format etc.) or biblio­graphies formatted ac­cording to the rules of common citation styles (APA, Chicago Manual of Style, and MLA). The APA style used by PCE Literature is a slighlty modified variant of the original; if you would like to use this style in your own work, you can download the CSL file here.


PCE Literature has been created by an inter­national team, currently based in Vienna, Austria and Cologne, Germany. It is co-ordinated by Wolfgang W. Keil, Gerhard Stumm, Robert Waldl, and Oliver Wüntsch. Our biblio­graphy has been managed by Vera Brantl and Jana Srna and is based on the biblio­graphies compiled by Germain Lietaer, Sheila Haugh, Frans Depestele, and Peter F. Schmid.

We gladly receive and accept your suggestions, comments, and feedback! Please use the e-mail address office@pce-literature.org to contact us.